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The Best Printing Options for Custom Hoodies

Custom hoodies are gaining popularity these days, especially among the younger generation. They are a perfect combination of comfort and style and can be customized according to individual preferences. The customization options include the color, design, and printing techniques. However, choosing the right printing technique for your custom hoodie can be tricky. This blog post will discuss the best printing options for custom hoodies.

Which Printing Is Best On Custom Hoodie?

Screen Printing

Screen printing is the most common and widely used option for printing on custom hoodies. It is also known as silkscreen printing. This technique uses a stencil or mesh to transfer the ink onto the fabric. This printing technique is best suited for large and bold designs. The colors used in this technique are also vibrant and long-lasting. Screen printing is cost-effective and ideal for bulk orders.

Direct-to-Garment (DTG)

DTG printing is a technique that involves using a printer to print the design directly onto the fabric. It produces highly detailed designs, and the colors are vivid and vibrant. This printing technique works best for smaller orders and intricate designs. Direct-to-garment printing is also a good option for printing photographs or images with multiple colors.

Heat Transfer Printing

Heat transfer printing is another popular option for custom hoodie printing in Canada. In this technique, the design is printed on transfer paper using a printer and then transferred onto the fabric using a heat press. This printing method suits various designs and can produce vibrant and bold colors. However, it is not ideal for designs with small details or text. The printing quality may also deteriorate over time.


Embroidery is a classic printing technique that involves stitching the design onto the fabric. It is a durable and long-lasting option that can produce high-quality designs. Embroidery works best for smaller designs, logos, and text. However, it is not ideal for large designs or photographs.

Vinyl Printing

Vinyl printing is a technique that uses vinyl sheets to transfer the design onto the fabric. It is best suited for simple designs and text. The colors used in this technique are limited, and the printing quality may deteriorate over time. However, this printing technique is cost-effective and ideal for smaller orders.

Conclusion: Best Printing Options for Custom Hoodies

Choosing the right printing technique for your custom hoodie can make all the difference in the final product. Screen printing in Vancouver is the most common and widely used among the various options. DTG printing is best suited for intricate designs and photographs.

Heat transfer printing is suitable for a wide range of designs, while embroidery is ideal for smaller designs and text. Vinyl printing is a cost-effective option for simple designs and text.

Consider the design, durability, and printing cost before selecting the printing technique for your custom hoodie. Also, find the best hoodie printing company in Vancouver for your hoodie printing needs.

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